& Info
celebrating 35 years of teaching
rock climbing at Seneca Rocks.
Seneca Rocks Mountain Guides is the home of the most experienced multi-pitch guides in the Mid-Atlantic. We teach the most comprehensive trad courses in the country.
climbing@senecarocks.com | 304.607.3632
Climbing with SRMG has it's Perks
Free Camping at our beautiful campsite overlooking Seneca Creek
Use of our purpose built indoor trad training center, a one-of-a-kind indoor space with 40' real rock cracks and walls so when the weather turns bad, the learning continues!
Use of the legendary outdoor kitchen, a covered, fully furnished, extremely chill place to hang out and chat about your day at the crag.
Private Guiding & Private Courses
Private Guiding and Courses can be scheduled at any time. Call or Email us for availability.
Includes: Free Camping, Use Of Climbing Gym & Furnished Kitchen Facilities! Check Those Out Here.
RockCraft courses are personalized specialty courses that cover topics such as Self-Rescue,
Trad Fundamentals, and Big Wall Techniques. They can be scheduled at any time
and are the same price as private-guided climbing. Call or Email us for availability.
Includes: Free Camping, Use Of Climbing Gym & Furnished Kitchen Facilities! Check Those Out Here.
***A $350 Deposit is Required to Make a Reservation***
Maximum group size is 3 people for multi-pitch climbing. Groups larger than 3 must split into
smaller groups based on Monongahela National Forest requirements.
Big Wall Bivy Rates: Add $175 one person -
$300 two people to standard rate
NEW for 2024!!
Any Tuesday/Wednesday
Minimum of 2 people for course to run!
We don’t usually offer “group or open courses” but many people
in the last few years have requested this so….
This season we are we are offering 2-day
“open enrollment courses” in all of the disciplines we teach:
Trad Fundamentals, Lead Climbing and Rock Rescue... on any Tuesday/Wednesday of each week. These 2-day courses are discounted but have stricter requirements for enrollment. - payment in full when you sign up- no refunds unless we cancel due to weather conditions, which we rarely do or we fail to sign up a second person for the course.
The course will only run if two people have signed up.
We will try to fill each course with 3 people.
These open courses are difficult because the discount is only possible if the class has at least two (or ideally three participants) -if one student cancels leaving a single participant we wouldn’t be able to run that course. We’ll let you know 7 days ahead of the course if you are the only one
to sign up (not likely to happen).
These 2-day courses are only available any consecutive Tuesday/Wednesday!
Pick any Tuesday/Wednesday call #304-607-3632
to sign up as an individual, group of two or three.
COST: 2-day course $395 per-person
Rockcraft Seminars
Our 4 hour Rockcraft Seminars allow you to quickly receive an introduction to, or to focus on refining a specific skill set. Our seminars are often taught in our indoor Trad Training Center to maximize time and efficiency, but can also be held on the rocks.
1 person........$150
2-3 people...$200
Group Top Rope Climbing
Per Person Pricing - 6 Person Minimum | Full Day 9am to 5pm | All equipment included
Based on Monongahela National Forest requirements, large groups will be split into smaller groups at Seneca Rocks. We can, however, accommodate large groups at other high quality climbing areas nearby.
*50% of total is required when group reservations are made.
We will re-schedule if weather is bad. We make that determination the night before the trip.
Refund/Cancellation Policy
The SRMG cancellation policy is designed to protect our guides from lost work. Our guides are the most experienced and professional guides in the region, and last minute cancellations seriously impact their ability to succeed in a difficult industry.
Refund/Cancellation and Weather Policy:
NO REFUNDS on weekends/holidays
With 45 days notice we will be able to re-schedule a weekday reservation but any weekend or holiday date there will be NO REFUND for any reason!
We will re-schedule due to weather issues .
Once you sign up we cannot refund your deposit we hope you understand that often we are unable to make up lost work for our guides and have by that point, turned down many other potential reservations that we cannot get back. We strive to make the best customer service decisions possible but our guides deserve and need this strict policy. Thanks for your understanding.
This includes positive tests for COVID.
We (SRMG) will offer to reschedule your trip if we cancel due to bad weather.
In rare situations when poor weather is obvious, we (SRMG) will offer to reschedule your trip. These trips may be rescheduled to any available date of the clients choosing within 6 months of the original scheduled date. Weather forecasts are not always reliable. We regularly go out with a chance of rain over 50 percent. Please, don't let the forecast discourage you. More times than not the forecast looks grim and it turns out to be a beautiful day of climbing. We understand the disappointment in traveling to Seneca with the hopes of climbing, for plans to be thwarted by storms. We will monitor the weather and contact you to discuss rescheduling at least by the day before your reservation.
We always run the first day of our multi-day courses regardless of weather.
If we have bad weather you are set! You may not know we have the one and only state-of-the-art indoor Trad training facility, with real rock anchoring walls and two 40' rock cracks --our facility is so awesome we were imitated! -"imitation is the greatest form of flattery" thank-you! In addition to our purpose built indoor Trad Training and Teaching facility, there are a number of overhanging areas at Seneca and Nelson Rocks that stay dry. There is a great deal that can be taught and learned in a thorough review of fundamentals during an SRMG ground school. It is always worth mentioning that the rock at Seneca dries very quickly, and a beautiful afternoon of climbing often follows a rainy morning.